Sunday, July 17, 2011

Planes, Trains and Choreo-To-Go!

I'm back from the Zumba Convention...was in town for two days...then off to now back from Ohio...woa!  Planes, Trains and Choreo-To-Go...I managed to whip out quite a few songs on those planes!

Thankfully I am here for a couple of weeks before heading out to Louisiana and Texas.

As far as the convention goes...I have to say there were loads and lots of Zumba instructors floating every which way.  In past conventions, it was so awesome to be able to see everyone buzzing about in the hotel, halls and lobby bars.  An energy was present that was undeniable.  As the convention size grows...well...'nough said.  I was SO HAPPY I was able to see my Zumba friends like Lindsey T, DEEJAY Francis, Camilo and too many more to name...and before the convention began I am happy to say I was working out in the gym while Beto was too....did I interrupt him for a hug or picture??? NO, HECK NO...that is the man's private time... honestly to be around the Mr. B himself is nurturing and healing...I wonder if he knows how anointed he is and how his natural gift just does wonders! 

And, for as many times as I ran into Diane would think we would get an updated picture!!!  we were too busy joking around!

This particular convention, there was soooo much to choose from...alot, really.   Session rooms were far far away from eachother.  I spent a great deal of break time walking to the next room or boutique.  It was not until the day 3 that I thought...even though I am staying in the hotel...there is NO way I will get from point A to B in I had to travel with my carry on suitcase full of Zumbawear changes, snacks and stuff! 

The sessions I participated in were FULL...sad that unless I got to the room an hour early, good dancing room was not even a chance... so stand in the back...and try to see (without my glasses). 

The ZIN Jam Sessions offered more of an opportunity to get up close and personal with ZIN and presenters...this I LOVED! 

The Zumbathon Fitness Concert was amazing!  What strikes me as ODD... are those people that actually think they are at the concert to WORKOUT BIG! You know those that go full out on movement, arms and legs..."c'mon have to mindful of who is around you and realize that this is also entertainment, especially in the front..."

The party that was OFF DA CHAIN was of course PITBULL...  well I did visit the lobby bar with my ZIN family prior to the by the time the concert came, I wanted to throw down some serious 305 moves...thank God for flip flops!

Again for these parties...unless you lined up hours simply had no chance of getting near the front.  Then, if you are in the front can't move... OK, so you can't win on this one!  I am always just incredibly grateful that in my life I can say that each year, the one and only thing I look forward to the most is the Zumba Convention.  Really, anyone else out there like that.

The Glimmer and Glow party was nice...everyone in their outlandish "notice me" costumes...LOVE IT!  I really hope you all get in ZLife!  You put time and effort into those costumes,woa!   Wycleff was awesome!  I almost got a picture with him, as my hand was on his shoulder and a very tall girl decided life could not go on unless she got her picture taken w/ unpolitely she came between us... "breathe, I am Nuyorican after all...people have been known to be rude to me and not say excuse me...and they are still alive and well" :)

I did not spend nearly as much on Zumbawear as I have in the past...I am an EXPERT shopper...mastering the art within motto is I DON'T TRY...I BUY!  On Sunday I returned 2 items out of the gazillion items I bought! :)~  What did I love...the new Zumba capri's...  What has me baffled ...the new Z Performance line...  REALLY!  all of us are hooked on cargos...we actually have a support group for us cargo lovers...and now we have this "weird does not look good on everyone performance pant"...ugh!  I loved how they looked on others...those with no belly... but if you even have a little in the middle...performance pant...not so much.

And what about Zumba thongs...AHHH!!!  yes I bought some... I'm such a sap!

OK, well I've got to get some of more choreo out of my head and onto the dance more to follow on another post...

Words of Wisdom: 
Be Grateful...Be Happy...Don't Smack People...Thongs are your friend...Continue to work on the little in the middle!

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